Wonkette rightfully rips Dick Cheney for
Former Vice President Dick Cheney took a shot at President Barack Obama late Monday night after it was reported that the president has attended fewer than half of his daily intelligence briefings. “If President Obama were participating in his intelligence briefings on a regular basis then perhaps he would understand why people are so offended at his efforts to take sole credit for the killing of Osama bin Laden,” Cheney told The Daily Caller in an email through a spokeswoman.
Oh good grief – the wounds from 9/11 still haven’t healed here in New York City so let’s just talk in general about Presidential management style, which is the approach that National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor took. Legend has it that Jimmy Carter was a micromanager whereas Ronald Reagan was more of a delegator. Is Dick Cheney suggesting that Carter was a better President than Ronald Reagan? When I Googled Carter and micromanager,
this discussion of President Obama’s approach to economic discussions came up:
Many presidents have directed policy from on high, shunning the details of most issues. Mr. Obama has adopted a different style, particularly when it comes to economics, as he and his team wrestle with the worst financial crisis the nation has faced since the Depression. In a White House ritual new with this administration, the president gathers with his advisers every weekday morning for an Oval Office update and debate on the economy. The breadth of topics is wide, from the underemployed to childhood obesity, and Mr. Obama often dives into the minutiae. In the sessions, according to those who attend, the president sometimes chafes at his advisers' limitations, quizzing them on points raised by critics or asking them to do justice to a view other than their own. At times he quotes from letters sent to the White House to counter a stance taken by his team.
And rightwing critics argue that this President hasn’t focused enough on the economy! But the clincher comes from a Republican Senator:
Sen. Judd Gregg, a New Hampshire Republican who briefly flirted with joining the Obama cabinet, says the president's style matters less than the outcome of the deliberations.
Shall we discuss the outcomes of those deliberations during the first few months of the Bush Administration? Does Dick Cheney
REALLY want to go there?
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